Daft Old Duffer: Naughty Boys

This article was sent to us by Daft Old Duffer prior to the news regarding David Pugh that came out yesterday. Sorry Duffer for not getting it out sooner. Ed

Daft Old Duffer: Naughty BoysA couple of things need to be said, l think, about David Pugh being referred to the Standards committee.

One is that the councillors doing the referring did so, in my opinion, not because they have suddenly seen the light and become angelic defenders of the right and truthful, but to gain a political advantage for themselves.

I don’t infer they are wrong. Simply that they are kicking a man when he’s down, just like all politicians.

The second concerns what will be the outcome of the enquiry – if one is held at all.

I predict …..
Despite knowing no more than anyone else about the matter, l am pretty confident in my prediction that Pugh will receive an official reprimand and may even be required to step down from his post.

At the same time he will be privately urged not to worry over such a minor blip in his career and that, being such a loyal servant of the party he can expect to resume his upward path as soon as the dust has settled.

And it will be morally the right decision.

He’s only human
I have no more respect for shiny tory-boys than anyone else – quite possibly less. But to allow anyone, of any party, to gain power by simply being too idle to use our votes, and then trying to castigate him because he had a little too much to drink at a party is a nonsense.

As a bloke seeing his promised portion of nooky apparently disappearing over the horizon he was surely entitled to utter a cuss or two. He’s only human after all.

The lady at the receiving end of his tirade obviously thinks so at any rate. She’s evidently mature enough to recognise the rantings of a man with several tots of whiskey inside him and to treat them accordingly.

I think we should do the same.

Moving on …
So Ashley Cole has been playing away. At every opportunity apparently.

Bit like having a brand new top of the range Rolls Royce in the garage and sneaking out at night to steal joy rides in council estate bangers.
What a top-rank, diamond cut plonker.

And …. completely unrelated
I was standing at a bus stop one cold-breezy day, having just missed the bus – something of a hobby of mine – when a man I did not know pulled up his car and offered me a lift.

‘You looked so cold standing there,’ he said.

Unfortunately for me he wasn’t headed the way I needed to go

But he warmed me up a bit, all the same.

Image: graham under CC BY 2.0