Daft Old Duffer: New Bits For Old

Now it seems likely more and more of us are going to reach a nice round 100 years of age, scientific engineers are busily redesigning the replacement bits we need so they last for fifty years or more rather than the twenty or thirty as at present.

Daft Old Duffer: New Bits For OldThings like hip and knee joints.

That’s fine, though speaking as one well on the way I hope never to need them The Big Boss Above has blessed me with a good workmanlike body which shows little sign yet of needing help.

For which I am truly and humbly grateful.

Of rather more interest to me would be the fitting somewhere about my person of an off-switch, controlled by my own secret password and which I could keep ready against the day my mind, my memory or my body showed plain signs of terminal failure.

Thus I could avoid senility, bed sores, wearing nappies and all the other indignities and humiliations of extreme age.

Just by mumbling the code, pressing the switch and …… ceasing.

No show for G-spot
A scientific survey has shown that the G-spot doesn’t exist.

I knew it wasn’t my fault.

Image: sevestjude under CC BY 2.0