Daft Old Duffer: Now Them, Old ‘Un

Daft Old Duffer, is back, but did he remember to bring his coffee? Ed

cafetiereWhen I brew up a pot of coffee I set my kitchen timer to ring after three or four minutes. Or at least I do when I remember to.

If I don’t, I’m liable to realise an hour or so later that I’m still thirsty, go out to the kitchen and find a cafetiere of cold coffee waiting for me.

Either that or I will set the drink to brew, sit at my lappy and then, remembering, try to work out if I’d brewed up a minute or several minutes before. Or if I’d actually got so far as filling the cafetiere.

Yesterday morning there was a new development. When the little timer rang I got up from my armchair, went out to the kitchen – and found the cafetiere empty.

The coffee robot?
Totally bewildered I returned to the living room and saw my coffee mug, full and steaming, parked on the coffee table.

I had evidently poured and sugared my drink, carried into the lounge, and set the timer afterwards.

I say evidently because I have no memory of doing any of it.

What a laugh
Much later in the day, I was pouring myself another coffee and smiling as I recalled my absent mindedness of the morning – when I realised I was pouring not coffee but hot water.

I’d forgotten to prime the cafetiere.

I’m not particularly concerned by any of this. It’s obviously a simple case of pre-occupation and can happen to anyone.
Can’t it?

Sure it can.

Nothing to worry about at all.

Perfectly normal.

Like I said. Now, what was it I was saying? Oh yes…. No, that wasn’t it.

Image: Alisdair under CC BY 2.0