Daft Old Duffer: The Second Sex

Back in the days when the ‘women’s rights’ campaign was in full flow, it was loudly declared that the male of the species was a luxury no longer required.

Daft Old Duffer: The Second SexThat, armed with all the latest in technology, women were quite capable of raising a family, pursuing a career, and if desired, undertaking space travel, all at the same time and without the need of any male assistance whatever.

Men can be useful
Since then however a little commonsense has re-appeared. Males, it is acknowledged, have their uses after all.

Who else to paint the kitchen ceiling, do the heavy digging and take the dog for a walk when it is raining?

But the objective – of female dominance over the male – has not changed. It is just that we face a far more insidious approach An approach that assures us men it’s all for our own good.

A smarter wife helps you live longer
We are told, as a researched fact, that men married to women smarter than themselves (and what woman does not believe herself in that category?) live a longer and happier life. For such superior females comfort us through life’s little stresses, keep us clean and feed us a wholesome diet – despite ourselves.

Or to put it more bluntly, we should leave it to them to tell us what to eat, how often to take a shower, when to have our hair cut.

No more bacon butties, pork pies with pickle, or Big Macs with double chips for you my lad.

Change those socks and pants when you’re told. And for goodness sake do something about your hair.

We are told that today’s man has a reduced sperm count and that this is due to all the electromagnetism surrounding and infusing us. And we are told our increasing tendency to act like females – an act blatantly fostered by the myriad of cosmetics placed at our disposal – is down to chemicals in the everyday plastic objects we employ.

I don’t believe it. Plainly it’s all part of the same feminine plan to put us and keep us in our place.

Second place.

So, as we become increasingly aware of our peril, will we begin to resist – to fight back?

Probably not.

Image: foxypar4 under CC BY 2.0