Daft Old Duffer: Ventnor Vapouromiter 12

A great deal is being made over how the upcoming royal wedding is going to be cheap and simple and plain, costing us taxpayers nothing and being just like the weddings us ordinary mortals experience.

Ordinary cars, we are assured. Ordinary dresses, ordinary everything.

Nothing in the way of pomp and ceremony and general bling that might cause offence to the dwellers of council estates, the homeless and jobless and hopeless.

Well here’s my take on the situation
I’m glad to learn that the newly wedded couple will get to ride away in a coach at least. I hope it’s a gilded coach hauled by white prancing steeds. And I hope they have an escort of cuirasse-shining, plume waving lifeguards mounted on splendid chargers. And I hope the streets are lined with a cheering throng, all waving the red Cross of Saint George. And I hope her dress is long and splendid, his uniform braided and bemedalled and altogether grand.

It’s not that I’m a lover of the monarchy particularly. It’s just that I think we all need a bit of glitter in our lives from time to time. And I hope all those grouch-guts who disapprove ram their moans deep up their own fundaments.

Scientist have discovered, apparently, that the whole of our universe, lock stock and barrel, is travelling at great speed towards a spot in space Somewhere Out There. And they don’t know why.

But I do.

It confirms my theory – long held -that our universe is nothing more than a collection of atoms whirling away somewhere inside the gut of an unimaginably giant being.

And now He is being sick.

Still makes me sob
The one film that implanted itself firmly into my childhood memory was Lassie Come Home.

LassieAlong with countless others I wept in the sad parts, gasped when the villains appeared to triumph, cheered when Lassie outwitted them, and howled with joy at the triumphant reunion with young master at the end.

So when it cropped up on the telly I decided to re-view it, just to try and analyse in quite a cool and detached way all the tricks of situation and photography and acting, that made it such an emotional success.

But in the event, I couldn’t.

I was sobbing too much.

Image 1: dhwright under CC BY 2.0

Image 2: vickyfrank under CC BY 2.0

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