Daft Old Duffer: Ventnor Vapouromiter No 4

More chat from our Daft Old Duffer. Ed

A mate of mine told me he avoided sock trouble by only buying and wearing grey ones.

Daft Old Duffer: Ventnor Vapouromiter No 3No more trying to find a matching pair on dark winter mornings, he pointed out.

And when one is too holey to wear any more, the other can be kept in the certain knowledge that it will still find a companion. So I followed his advice and kept to black.

Only to discover the multitude of varieties the world of same-colour socks presents. I now have a drawerful of long, mid length and short black socks.

I have socks with ribbed tops and plain leg, ribbed leg and plain foot, ribbed foot with leg and top also ribbed but in a different pattern.

Etcetera, etcetera and so on.

And in case you’re wondering, being all-black doesn’t help. I have more shades of black than you can shake a stick at; from light grey black to deep purpley black.

Doubtless this confusion exists in hosiery of all colours. So the next time you see a bloke wearing socks in two different hues, he isn’t a bit loopy, a bit absent minded.

He’s a bloke who sat on the edge of his bed that morning, contemplated his sock drawer and said aloud – ‘Ah,sod it!’

Image: Hello Turkey Toe under CC BY-SA 2.0