Daft Old Duffer: Vestas Chat

We’re really chuffed to receive regular musings from the VB reader who’d prefer to be known simply as ‘Daft Old Duffer’ and it’s fair to say that we won’t always agree with what he has to say. Regardless of that, here are his latest views on the Vestas dispute. Ed

Vestas ProtestAm I alone in thinking it’s time to call it a day?

The guys originally involved have amply made their point and I believe have gained more than they reasonably expected. And they have punished Vestas’ arrogance more than they know.

All over the world potential Vestas customers are rethinking their position: what if they place an order and right in the middle of it Vestas blunders into another avoidable dispute?

Perhaps potential business partners are hesitating because they have good worker-management relations and don’t want to be seen cocking a snook at their employees by teaming up with a company with such poor management skills.

Sub contractors with the skills Vestas need will be wondering what will happen to them if Vestas decide to pull out in the middle of a contract because they suddenly decide they can do better elsewhere.

Potential investors will be placing their money in some rival concern where they won’t see it frittered away by management arrogance.

And I rather suspect the company have been quietly told if they want their share of the very lucrative British market when it does arrive they would be wise to start doing some appeasing.

That is why I believe Vestas have announced the hefty investment and the promise to retain the factory at Newport.

They need to salvage something of their business credibility.

But even if I’m wrong, it’s still time to stop.

Media support will soon begin to ebb away and the protesters will become, overnight, trouble-makers – simply because that’s how the Media works.

You’ve fought the good fight guys – time to get on with your lives.

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