Damien Nettles

Damien’s sister issues heartfelt open letter

In her own words. Ed

Dear Person(s) Who Has/Have Information about Damien,

My name is Sarah Nettles, and I am Damien Nettles’ big sister, and I would like to take a moment to talk to you about Damien.

When I think of Damien, I think of a goofy, impulsive, lanky, very silly, funny, passionate kid who liked to have a laugh. I am realistic about him too, because he wasn’t perfect, but what 16 year old kid is perfect?

Damien was often uninhibited
I know that he was mischievous and definitely got up to no good at times. I know that he smoked pot, and I know he went out and drank alcohol with his friends. Heck, Damien and I drank together too.

I know that Damien naively got involved in the wrong crowds at times, and I know that he lost all of his inhibitions (more than most people) after he had a few drinks.

I know that after a few drinks, he would be brave and bold, and say and do things impulsively without any thought. Perhaps he would yell and say things that weren’t meant to be heard by others in public places. Perhaps he would decide to do a harder drug because he had no fear after several drinks. Perhaps he wasn’t afraid to stick up for someone in a fight, or start a fight himself.

Just child, still developing into a man
Damien wasn’t perfect. We know that. But he was a great human being, with an enormous future ahead of him, and sometimes he did silly and irresponsible things. But, it is known that a 16 year old’s brain is not fully formed yet.

In particular, the fully developed frontal cortex is required to fully comprehend the consequences of ones actions. The frontal cortex is not yet fully developed in a 16 year old, and probably won’t be for another seven years. Damien was just a child and was still developing into a man.

I know in my heart that Damien is not at peace
I speak for myself only, because I really and honestly do not know whether DAMIEN is dead or whether he was killed or whether he is alive and well. I pray for the latter, I hope that he is alive and doing well out there.

But I am a realist and I know in my heart that Damien is not alive, and he is definitely not at peace.

Many theories
There are many possibilities and theories about Damien’s death. Some people think Damien drowned in the sea, some people have stories and theories about how he was brutally murdered and buried; some people say that he was accidentally murdered and hidden.

Again, I am a realist.

I do not think Damien is out there drinking mao-tai’s and laughing at all our efforts.

Don’t think he drowned
I do not think Damien drowned, however nothing is certain, and Damien drowning cannot be discounted. But all of the facts from that night point me to believe that Damien did not drown that night:

Damien was a strong swimmer. The tide was out the night Damien began walking home. That night was very stormy, which makes it likely that Damien didn’t walk home along the seafront.

Damien was reported to be seen on Crossfield Avenue walking toward home that night.

I don’t believe the truth has disappeared
Some people say that we aren’t ever going to find Damien. Some people say that you will not ever come forward with the information about what really did happen to him.

Some people say the truth has disappeared with those who knew and are now deceased.

But I don’t believe that. I believe you know exactly where Damien’s body is. I believe that you can guide us to him.

I believe that you want to do this so badly, but you are ignoring it, and trying to stay sane with the knowledge that you have. I believe that you are terrified of telling us where Damien is, because you have a family, and you have grown up, and you are trying to protect yourself and those around you.

We do not care who you are
I want you to know, and I want to be clear. We do not care who you are and what happened to Damien.

We only want to know where he is and to find his body. We do not want you to tell us your name, we do not want you to tell us anything.

Tell us the location
All we want you to do is create an email address that keeps you anonymous, and email the following email address: [email protected] to tell us where he is buried.

£10,000 cash reward
We need the precise location, and not a general area. An in return, you get £10,000 in cash. You can use that money anonymously, you can look after your family, and you can live a quiet life.

I repeat – We do not want to know who you are.

You can do this. You can help my family. You can make things right. You can change this hell and make amends. You can make this go away. You can give Damien the peace he deserves.

Please do the right thing.


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