Freshwater lifeboat crew with the Ted the dog after the rescue

Dog miraculously rescued after cliff fall at Freshwater Bay

A dog has been rescued after falling from the cliffs at Tennyson Downs, Freshwater Bay on Wednesday morning. The incident unfolded at around 11am, as the dog, Ted, wandered away from his owner during a walk.

The local resident, walking with a friend, realised Ted had gone missing despite his typically good behaviour. A 30-minute search began, but concern quickly escalated when fellow walkers spotted Ted near the cliff edge.

Coastguard and lifeboat teams called in
Fearing for Ted’s safety, the owner contacted the Coastguard. Although no immediate assets were available, the owner then reached out to the Freshwater Independent Lifeboat (FILB). Martin Newham, from FILB, swiftly launched an emergency response.

At approximately 1.10pm, the FILB crew set out, led by Helm Ronan McCann. The conditions were challenging, with a significant swell, but the team pushed forward with their rescue mission.

Courageous actions at the cliff base
As the Coastguard arrived, prepared to abseil down the cliffs if needed, FILB crew member James Metcalfe took action. Entering the water, he swam ashore to reach Ted, who was stranded at the base of the cliff.

Supported by crew members Luke Stagg and Helm Ronan McCann, Metcalfe successfully retrieved Ted from his precarious position. Despite the difficulties posed by the conditions, the team worked together to bring the dog to safety.

Safe return and gratitude
By around 2.30pm, Ted was safely returned to land and taken to a vet for overnight observation. Thankfully, the dog is reportedly in good health after his ordeal.

The local resident, who prefers to remain anonymous, expressed deep gratitude to both the FILB and the Coastguard for their quick and brave actions.

This incident serves as a reminder for dog owners to be extra cautious when walking near cliffs, and highlights the vital work done by life-saving teams like the Freshwater Independent Lifeboat. Their dedication and courage are invaluable to our community.