Domestic Abuse exhibition shares heart touching work

We sent Sixth Form student Hannah Mew into Newport last week to check out some of the exhibitions on offer. Here’s what she thought of the pop-up gallery on Newport High Street. Ed

I stepped into this exhibition preparing myself to be touched by the artwork that had be produced by students not much younger than myself (Year 11, 15-16 year olds).

While looking around at the students’ work (from Carisbrooke College and Sandown Bay Academy) I could feel the real sense of support and standing together that the students were trying to portray.

No need to stand alone
Each piece of work I looked at was different from the previous one, showcasing a variety of feelings and emotions – however still getting across the clear message that no suffers need stand alone and that there’s support available.

The exhibition showcased a collection of truly beautiful, heart touching work, all by students who have a clear passion, and feel strongly about the subject.

Not only that, but it is raising money for a fantastic cause too!

Take a look at the exhibition between 10am and 4pm from Tuesday 27th November – 7th December at 143 High Street, Newport (former Island Images café).

Image: © Isle of Wight Council