Don’t miss the nearly new sports kit sale

This in from Robert on behalf of Ventnor Cricket Club (VCC). Ed

I daresay you all have sports kit that you don’t use, lurking in the corner of your room or under the bed?

cricket whites Football boots that no longer fit, the cricket bat you have outgrown, the list goes on.

On Sunday 29th March why not drop your unwanted kit off between 10am and 11am at Ventnor Cricket Club, Steephill and see if we can sell it for you.

Any type of sports kit accepted – football/hockey/rugby etc.

You set the price and label your kit (with price and name).

The sale takes place between 12pm and 2pm. The club gets one third of the money and you take home the rest.

Unsold items my be collected by 3pm. Any uncollected kit will be taken to a charity shop.