wheelie bin knocked over

Don’t put your bins out on Thursday night, council warns, as 100mph winds are forecasted

Islanders are being asked not to put out their bins this evening (Thursday) for Friday collections.

Instead, the Isle of Wight Council is urging residents to wait until first thing tomorrow morning in case overnight winds blow them over, causing rubbish to be strewn around the street.

The advice comes ahead of an amber weather warning with Storm Eunice set to cause severe disruption.

Dix: Wait until the morning
Natasha Dix, head of waste services, said,

“During high winds, bins can be blown over or blown into vehicles and property causing damage and risking the waste being strewn into the environment.

“We are therefore recommending that people do not put out their bins this evening and instead wait until the morning, before 8am, to reduce the time they are left out at the kerbside. We would also encourage people to bring their bin in as soon as possible after collection.

“We appreciate your patience and understanding.”

If you think your bin could be blown over during periods of high wind consider waiting until your next collection or take your recycling/landfill waste to a recycling centre when it is safe to do so.

If the bin does need to be emptied:

  • Make sure bin lids are closed and secure.
  • Please try to avoid leaving bins out overnight in high winds. We recommend you put your bin out on the morning of collection.
  • If available at the kerbside, put your bin alongside a wall, fence or shelter.
  • If there is no shelter at the kerbside, place bins in clusters with your neighbours’ bins.
  • Place excess card, paper and mixed recycling in clear or white sacks and weigh down if possible.
  • Bring your bin in as soon as possible after collection.

News shared by Isle of Wight council press office, in their own words. Ed

Image: raver_mikey under CC BY 2.0