Dotto Trains Sold To Welsh Bidder

If you’re wondering what is going to happen with the Dotto Trains this year, we’ve got an update on the situation.

VB readers may remember that the Isle of Wight council made the decision (as part of their budget cuts) last year to cease the tourist Dotto Train services in Shanklin, Sandown and Ryde.

Trains go out to tender
Back in November (19th) last year, the tender for these three trains was advertised in the County Press.

This advert, as well as information sent to 13 individuals or organisations (who had either previously expressed an interest or were known to deal in road trains) resulted in eleven tender packs being issued.

From that, seven tenders were received and considered by the council, three of which came from Island concerns.

Highest bidder won
Out of the seven bids, the contract went to a road train dealer in Llandudno, Wales who placed the highest bid.

IW Council head of highways and Transport Peter Hayward said: “In the current climate when the council is having to concentrate its resources on statutory services such as concessionary fares, it was not felt that spending money providing Dotto Trains was justified.

“Mindful of the fact the trains were nearing the end of their working life requiring a replacement at a significant cost of £100k each, several months ago a decision was made to cease funding the Dotto Trains and the relevant town and parish councils and local members were informed.

“Although the council has now sold the Dotto Trains, there is nothing stopping a local firm setting up a similar service in local towns.”

Trains could be leased back to Island operator
The council also told us that the new owner of the three trains is prepared to lease the trains back to anyone wanting to continue the service when the holiday season starts.

Town and Parish councils might want to consider increasing their precepts and taking on the cost of running the Dotto Trains throughout the summer.

Not knowing whether the trains have been re-conditioned and given that the council told us that the road trains were nearing the end of their working life, we’re wondering how much of a good deal that’ll be.

Time will tell.

Image: © IOW Entertainer

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11, January 2011 9:53 am

Surprising that anyone should bid for them if they are worn out!

Reply to  keithybaby
11, January 2011 10:02 am

depends on your definition..two of them are land rover based

Bus Driver
Reply to  No.5
11, January 2011 10:10 am

There were issues with the braking systems and parts were increasingly difficult and expensive to obtain. The most relaible one (and well made) was the Ryde one which it’s type is still in production. The other 2 are obsolete.

Reply to  Bus Driver
11, January 2011 10:23 am

The chap has probably already got a buyer for ie a zoo,theme park,or a large holiday site.The sort of place that already has dotto trains and needs the spare parts and can do the work on site.On private land they do not need an MOT or TAX and the insurance is covered in the price of the ticket or your holiday.Still charge for the ride!

11, January 2011 9:55 am

The Shanklin Train ihas been offered to hire to the Town Council a for £12,000 a year and it was the only one of the 3 that made a profit

The Tender for these trains stated thats price would be the only consideration.

They were taken away yesterday

Bus Driver
11, January 2011 10:03 am

Dosn’t make sence to me or have I missed something? 3 Island ‘concerns’ express an interest in the trains (presumably to operate them as tourist attractions), but they are sold to a Welsh bidder who is ‘prepared to lease them back to operate on the Island? Why could’nt the council except the more ‘local’ bids so the trains would keep running and thus generate income for an… Read more »

Reply to  Bus Driver
11, January 2011 10:17 am

Because this council is set on assett stripping the Island of all its responsibilities…its happy for someone else to pay for these services, but in it Tory re-modeling scheme..everything has to go

Reply to  Bus Driver
11, January 2011 7:45 pm

Well lets think about it. Only one organisation knows how much money each train took in revenue, and how much it cost to maintain them, garage them and staff them. So Southern Vectis alone would really know what the economics of it all were. Under the old contract, the Council went out to tender and asked organisations to put in a price to operate Sandown Shanklin and… Read more »

Stewart Blackmore
Reply to  Ed
13, January 2011 11:13 am

The one thing that you may be wrong about here is that Shanklin Town Council probably knows exactly how much the costs are. After all the Leader of the Council is a Shanklin Town Councillor and it really would defy belief if he didn’t know the exact situation.

Reply to  Stewart Blackmore
13, January 2011 7:52 pm

You don’t get it. For the last six years Southern Vectis have collecetd all the fares and no-one else knows how much they have taken. Similarly Southern Vectis have maintained the trains in their own workshops and no one else knows how much it has cost in parts or labour, or indeed how many of the parts regularly required have had to be made by them or… Read more »

Reply to  Ed
13, January 2011 8:17 pm

This appears to be the case, no info ia available apart from the Shanklin Train ran at a profit, Ryde broke even and Sandown made a loss

Pugh is a professional at selling pens

Stewart Blackmore
Reply to  Ed
13, January 2011 8:20 pm

I di get it and I think that, with respect you don’t


David Pugh is the Leader of the Council, EVERYTING crosses hir desk. HE IS I CHARGE!

Nothing is decided without his say-so

Reply to  Ed
13, January 2011 8:31 pm

you are implying that this council knows what it is doing!!!!!!

Bus Driver
Reply to  Ed
13, January 2011 8:41 pm

Well you seem to know all about it No. 5!

Reply to  Ed
13, January 2011 8:52 pm

Hilarious belief Mr Pugh is all seeing and all hearing. He can see how much money Southern Vectis take on the Dotto Trains and how much time and money they spend maintaining the Shanklin train. We’re in the world of fantasy – actually, if only we were! I di get it and I think that, with respect you don’t READ MY LIPS David Pugh is the Leader… Read more »

Reply to  Ed
13, January 2011 9:11 pm

my god. once again comments on a story degenerate into petty bickering about Pugh. You seriously think Pugh knows or cares about the dotto train? He has delegated it out and allowed southern vectis to deal with it. Simple as that. More to the point, why the hell must everything come back to Pughs incompetence? There are lots of other incompetent people working for the council, and… Read more »

Reply to  Ed
13, January 2011 9:38 pm

Thats because I care

12, January 2011 2:48 pm

Does anyone know who the buyer was? How much did the train go for?

Reply to  Denny
12, January 2011 3:39 pm

Llandudno dealer who paid £18K

Bus Driver
Reply to  No.5
12, January 2011 4:31 pm

axccoring to the County Press, the terms of the ‘deal’ are confidential so obviously you must have inside info?

12, January 2011 5:07 pm

It sound weird if that price were for all three trains!!
Anyone know who bought them? Not just to where. I would like to get a hold of him.

Reply to  Denny
12, January 2011 5:47 pm

each train was sold individually…

Bus Driver
Reply to  No.5
12, January 2011 6:16 pm

You seem to well informed! Be interesting to know where your info is comming from.

Reply to  Bus Driver
12, January 2011 6:21 pm


It’s not that confidential…Just becasue nobody told the CP :)

Bus Driver
Reply to  No.5
13, January 2011 9:41 am

So we know the info is accurate.

Reply to  No.5
13, January 2011 1:56 pm

ita as accurate as you want to beleive…true of just about everything posted here….but the information is from a very reliable source involved in the sale

paul dearling
Reply to  No.5
17, January 2011 4:53 pm

As one of the local bidders for the trains I wish to make the following known. Firstly all three of the Trains had a Current PSV ( Public Service Vehicle ) MOT, so could not have been in too bad a state. They were maintained by Southern Vectis, but to a minimum standard, I had intended to refurb them and put them back into service for the… Read more »

Reply to  No.5
17, January 2011 5:13 pm

That is shocking news Paul. There is no logic whatsoever in their decision. The more info that comes to light makes me think certain individuals in County Hall are using this cuts opportunity to implement some twisted ideological agenda. All this rhetoric about listening to alternatives, and helping the community secure futures for services is utter b*****ks. There seem to be individuals hell-bent on ripping the heart… Read more »

Bus Driver
Reply to  No.5
17, January 2011 7:14 pm

Paul, are you really suprised? After all they are quite happy to close the Tourist Info Centres which are a front line service for the main industry to the Island. Hardly installs confidence in the council’s interpretation of ‘impact on the local economy’ does it? By the way, you would of needed 6 people as each train needs a 2 man crew.

Reply to  Denny
26, October 2012 9:49 am

i have bought the land trains which have gone under an extensive refurbishment if you want to contact me please doo 01492 878228

18, January 2011 12:57 am

I’ve only just spotted this posting line. I really cannot believe that posters here are saying that we should keep …….The Dotto train!! Surely we should be lifting our standards above DOTTO TRAINS. I am embarrased to have such things on our roads, holding up traffic and looking extremely down market. we must raise our tourism game. It seems some people are happy to bump along the… Read more »

Bus Driver
Reply to  Ron
18, January 2011 8:12 am

Lol Ron! Where have you been over the last few weeks? The Island Tourism is being slowly wound down by the council by closing the Info Centres at the end of March… hardly raises our ‘tourism game’ does it?

18, January 2011 8:25 am

glad to see the back of them, they are a menace on the roads and cause a danger to pedestrians as they also run on public footpaths

Reply to  romeantique
18, January 2011 9:42 am

The Dotto trains were the height of our tourist trade…have you looked around lately.

There has been no investment, private or council, in the tourist trade of the Island for decades..worn down nostalgia is our only selling point.

Shame really…it could be so good

Reply to  No.5
18, January 2011 12:21 pm

The Island is in a shabby appalling state and has been allowed to deteriorate due to lack of investment during times of plenty, whilst at the same time the Council have managed to run up a massive deficit wasting money with nothing to show. Things can only get a lot worse and yet they are being allowed to just continue. Pugh out and Beynon out for the… Read more »

paul dearling
Reply to  No.5
18, January 2011 1:48 pm

This is an exert of correspondance in support of mt bid, addressed to the Town Council :- Thank you for your prompt and comprehensive reply to my questions, however I wish to make the following comments :- What you say in regard to “The Council is not bound to accept the highest or any tender” is indeed partially correct. However the primary purpose of this clause, is… Read more »

Reply to  paul dearling
17, April 2011 11:35 pm

Dotto trains don’t have MOTs – they are exempt. How do you know Southern Vectis only maintained them to a minmum standard? Have you some proof?

Reply to  Ed
18, April 2011 2:09 am

All were claimed to be un-roadworthy …all gained there road worthyness cert. once sold.

It was SV that asserted this (according to the council who sold them)

One has recently been re-sold for three times the amount all three cost…at the very least the council have sold an assett for far less than it as worth.

No SV are offering a replecement service of their own….strange that

Sailor Sam
Reply to  Ed
10, July 2011 3:48 pm

Since when were they exempt? Can you provide proof because I think you are wrong!

Sandown Sally
18, April 2011 9:52 am

A nice little earner for someone. I’m sure nothing bent here, let’s all move on.

12, May 2011 10:24 pm

To the peaple of the Isle of Wight I am not an islander from the Isle of Wight, I am from Folkestone in Kent, I was amazed to find that the Dotto road train has been sold off by your council I have a holiday nearly every year on the Isle of Wight and have been comming to the island for over 45 years since i was… Read more »

peter pan
10, July 2011 12:46 pm

To paul dearling

I found this forum very interesting. From my understanding 3 trains were sold for £18000, that’s £6000 each and then the purchaser sold on one of these for £54000. Thats a good profit.

Does anyone know where I can get one from?

15, July 2011 11:34 pm

I have one for sale if interested

See Ebay

John storer
12, August 2011 3:19 pm

To all persons concerned about all 3 Isle of wight road trains , the price you are all assuming (18’000 for all trains) is rediciulous , we did not buy them for that cost (Times thats by 4 and you are close to the mark).Both roadrunner trains have had complete refurbishment. The roadrunner trains now have 3 carriages each and one of them has wheelchair access. You… Read more »

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