Drop In And Have Your Say on Recycling

This in from the council, in their own words. Ed

Residents will have the opportunity to meet members of the Isle of Wight Council’s waste team and learn more about proposals to increase Island recycling rates at two drop-in sessions being organised as part of the ongoing waste consultation.

The sessions, taking place on Wednesday 27 April from 4pm to 7pm and Thursday 28 April from 10am to 1pm, will provide members of the public with the opportunity to look at examples of the containers and wheelie bins that may be introduced under the proposals.

Displays of recyclables
There will be a display of household items that could be recycled under the new scheme and the waste team will be on hand to address any concerns people may have and answer questions about the proposed changes to the current waste collection service.

A range of display boards will outline how our waste is currently managed and how things could be done in the future to avoid waste being sent for landfill, potentially saving the council millions of pounds.

The sessions will take place in the former public health building behind County Hall in Newport.

Complete survey in person
There will also be the opportunity for people to complete paper copies of the waste consultation survey, which can also be completed online.

Cllr Edward Giles, Isle of Wight Council Cabinet Member with responsibility for waste and recycling, said: “We are really pleased with the response to the consultation so far. We received over 200 comments in the first three days and hope this will continue with many more people taking part in the consultation before it draws to a close on 8 May.

“What is already abundantly clear – and indeed encouraging – is that the overwhelming majority of residents agree we simply have to reduce the amount of rubbish we send for landfill. We have to do this in order to protect the environment and also to reduce the amounts we have to spend on landfill tax. If we do not improve recycling rates this figure will be well over £2m next year and I am sure residents would rather see this money spent on local services.”

More info online
Further information about the consultation and a comprehensive list of frequently asked questions can be found at the council website.

The results of the consultation will be reported back to the council’s cabinet in June 2011 where they will decide whether to adopt the changes in collection arrangements.