Easter Hat Workshop

Come and join in the fun and make an Easter Hat this weekend.

Easter Hat WorkshopThe workshop is at The Baptist Church, on Pier Street on Easter Saturday 22nd March 10am – 1pm. The cost is only £1 per hat and the workshop is open to all adults, with or without their children. – you don’t need a child to take part!

There are prizes for the best hats – judging is at 1pm.

If you prefer to make your hats at home, then please do so and come along at 1pm just for the judging.

There are also prizes for the best decorated eggs so bring them along at 1pm.

If you need any further information then contact Alison on 07976 009414.

The workshop is part of the Neighbourhood Learning in Ventnor project and is organised in association with Ventnor Business Forum who are raising money for hanging baskets along the High Street.

No unaccompanied children please.