dog fouling sign

Enough of the dog mess – Petition calls for better enforcement by the Isle of Wight council

It’s an issue that seems to affect the entire country. Dog fouling is one of the highest sources of complaints by the public to their MPs, local councillors and local authorities.

An online petition has been launched calling on the Isle of Wight council to clear the streets and parks of dog mess.

The petition has been created by East Cowes resident, Jon Surman, after a post he added to Facebook at the weekend attracted support for proper enforcement of dog fouling. By Sunday afternoon the post had received over 190 Likes and over 150 comments.

Putting pressure on the council
Jon hopes support for the petition will lead to increased pressure on council to “provide policing and real enforcement, that will lead to more prosecutions”.

He also anticipates the media attention around the petition will raise awareness and educate those irresponsible dog owners who do not pick up after their dogs.

Jon added,

My major concern is that dog poo is so abundant in East Cowes. My two year old has stepped in it several times in the last two weeks whilst going to and from nursery.

“How many children take it into the nurseries from all those contaminated pathways so close.

“The council said they can’t police it, so the best option is to create awareness as much as possible locally that it’s unacceptable.

Read the the petition in full on

£400 of fines in last two years
The council confirmed to OnTheWight they employ five enforcement officers across the Isle of Wight who are authorised to issue fines for dog fouling.

In 2015, six dog owners were fined and in 2016 two dog owners have been fined to date.

The £50 fine rises to £75 if not paid within ten days, but the council confirm that in 2015 and 2016 all the fines were paid in under ten days.

The only other people authorised to issue fines would be the police.

Image: ell-r-brown under CC BY 2.0