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EU Referendum: ‘We’re In’ say Isle of Wight Labour Party

Thanks to Ed Gouge from the Isle of Wight Constituency Labour Party. Ed

At a packed meeting on Saturday night, members of the Isle of Wight Constituency Labour Party voted almost unanimously to make the case for ‘Remain’ and also to support the ‘Another Europe is Possible’ campaign, which is arguing for EU reforms from the left point of view.

Officers emphasised that individual members can support either side but the Constituency Party would fully back Remain.

Ed Gouge, Constituency Secretary, said,

“There have been press reports of Labour support at the Out meeting but no member has told me that they have been to this and they certainly would not be representing Labour’s national or local view.”

Countering misleading view of Tory Right and UKIP
Ed went on to say,

“We look forward to countering the misleading view of the Tory Right and UKIP. They pretend that Britain is told what to do by EU bureaucrats but actually decisions are taken by European Governments meeting together and reaching agreements.

“Britain should be one of the strongest players but the Cameron Government, afraid of its right wing, has failed to use its power over the last six years.”

He added,

”A real reform of the EU depends on Labour’s MEPs and a future Labour Government to work with the many progressive and environmental movements across Europe and other left parties to use EU powers to go for growth and not austerity.”

Deb Gardiner, Island Labour Chair, said,

”The debate at our meeting emphasised the gains made in many fields over the years on behalf of the terms and conditions of British workers and many other areas of ordinary people’s well-being such as food safety and the environment.

“We are disappointed that Andrew Turner has joined with UKIP to support the Out Campaign and he clearly wants to see all these protections dismantled.”

Image: infomatique under CC BY 2.0