Everything you wanted to know about bubbles (audio)

There was a larger that normal turn-out for the Isle of Wight Cafe Scientifique meeting in February.

Dr Helen Czerski’s talk – Bubbles: The Bath and Beyond – was not only delivered with an upbeat energy, but she showed her clear and comprehensive knowledge of bubbles of all sorts, conveying what a fascinating subject they are.

Cafe Scienfifique recording
If you missed the evening, or want to recap on that evening again, the Cafe Scienfifique Website has recordings not only of Helen’s presentation, but also the Q&A session that followed.

Listening you’ll hear wide-ranging details of what happens to bubbles, like how whales blow bubbles rings, putting sound into them, trapping fish inside the bubble rings. The fish won’t cross these, so the whale heads straight up, mouth open, ending up with a trapped fish meal – Clever.

Many recordings of interest
There’s a rich archive of interesting talks on the IW Cafe Scientifique site, that OnTheWight has been helping capture and published with Pam and John at Cafe Sci.

Cafe Sci presentations

Image: piddysplace under a CC BY 2.0 license

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