Exotic Plants Stolen From Ventnor Botanic Gardens

Exotic Plants Stolen From Ventnor Botanic GardensWe heard through the grapevine yesterday that over the weekend, some horticultural chancers decided to make off with a haul of exotic plants from Ventnor Botanic Garden.

The news have been confirmed through an IWC press release which states that the “haul is effectively worthless because without expert care in the right conditions, the plants will almost certainly die.”

The specialist plants from Mexico, the North American Deserts and the Andes are thought to be worth over £2,000.

“These are plants that need special conditions and specialist care if they are to grow. The chances are they will die if grown in an ordinary garden,” Mr Goodenough said.

“My guess is that these plants were taken by a jobbing gardener so if anyone is offered unusual plants then I would urge them to report it to the police.

“The plants are exotics and certainly not the type you would expect to buy from a local garden centre.”

If anyone has information they can call Hampshire Constabulary on 101 or 0845 045 45 45, or call the Crimestoppers charity anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Image: Puya Venusta in Chile by species snob