Stolen Print of a family portrait from a country home on the Island

Family seeks assistance in recovering cherished portrait from Island country house (Updated)

Last updated:

Update: Lithograph Print has been found and returned to its owners.

The owner of a stolen print has been in touch, asking whether News OnTheWight readers can help.

William Stewart says,

“A much-loved sentimental print has been stolen from an undisclosed country house on the Isle of Wight.

“The image shows the exact print which is of the 4th Great grandfather of the portrait’s owner.

“The portrait itself is of no cash value as it is only a varnished print, however, it is of great sentimental value to the owner. “

If found please contact [email protected].

He ends,

“Your help in tracking down this much-loved family portrait would be most appreciated. Thank you.”

Articled edit:
8am 20th May 2024 – Update added