Fancy Joining the Isle of Wight Youth Council?

This in from the council, in their own words. Ed

Voting crossCandidates are being sought for the forthcoming Isle of Wight Youth Council elections.

The Youth Council is an independent organisation that works with Isle of Wight Council and other groups, helping to shape schemes and policies that are aimed to benefit young people.

Candidates are also being sought for the Isle of Wight’s Member of the UK Youth Parliament (MYP). The MYP works with their local MP, councillors, schools and the youth council on local issues.

Anyone aged 11-21 can sit on the youth council, and anyone aged 11 – 18 can become a candidate for the UK Youth Parliament.

The final deadline for registration is 5 November 2011 although it is recommended anyone interested should get in touch as soon as possible.

Anyone interested in becoming a youth councillor and/or wants to register their interest in becoming the Isle of Wight’s Member of Youth Parliament should contact Isle of Wight Council Youth Empowerment Worker Chris Smy at [email protected] or by calling 07976 009119.

The elections will begin on 5 December and will run until 9 December.