Different images from different bits of paper montaged together

Find your creative voice by making a zine! Free workshops on offer at Boojum and Snark

With the aid of funding from Arts Council England, Sandown’s well-loved pico-brewery and bar, Boojum and Snark, are offering this creative opportunity to express yourself. 

Do you live, work or play in the Bay area? Would you like to share your outlook and story or just try something new?

Join the zine-making movement
Then why not join the zine-making workshops?

Award-winning poet, Maggie Sawkins, and graphic designer, Claire Speight, have been commissioned to guide groups of different ages through the exploration of shared themes around life in the Bay.

What’s a zine?
Zines are neat little DIY magazines that are a wonderful mash-up of stories, art, words, and illustrations that give a voice to differing points of view.

Using techniques including collage, drawing, mark-making and other print techniques, Claire will help you develop your story visually.

Installation and Quay Arts exhibition
The zines, printed on a Riso press, will then be distributed throughout the community as well as forming part of a summer window installation at Boojum&Snark as well as part of a final exhibition at the Quay Arts Centre in Spring 2023.

There are four workshops, but spaces are limited, so make sure you book your place soon.

Where: Sandown Library
When: Monday 6, 13, 20, 27 June, 6-8pm (4 sessions)
Book: Email [email protected]

Where: Boojum&Snark 105 High Street, Sandown
When: Tuesday 7, 14, 21 June 7-9pm (3 sessions) 
Book; email [email protected] or call 0744 905 4368

Where: Boojum&Snark 105 High Street, Sandown
When: Wednesday 8, 15, 22 June, 6-8pm (3 sessions)
Book; email [email protected] or call 0744 905 4368

Mikich: Find your voice and get creative
Tracy Mikich, co-founder of Boojum&Snark, said,

“Zines are incredibly unique tools for expression and have a rich history of representing marginalised voices.

“This project will provide creative opportunities for storytelling and communicating different perspectives of living in the Bay area. What would you like to say to promote understanding?

“Please take advantage of these free workshops to have some fun, find your voice and get creative!” 

What is Boojum&Snark?
Boojum&Snark is an innovative regeneration project that contributes toward creative coastal revival through inspired placemaking.

The project is supported by the Arts Council England. For more information visit the Boojum&Snark Website.

See our archive of Boojum&Snark articles to follow the project’s journey.

Find out more about Maggie Sawkins and Claire Speight through their Websites.