First Steps Nursery: Facebook Group Created To Save Nursery

A Facebook group, that has been set up to try and save a pre-school nursery in Newport, is gathering support.

children readingAccording to Amie Hotchin, who is involved in the fight to save the Nursery, from 31st August it will need to find a new home.

The nursery is attached to Barton Primary and apparently the school needs the additional space as it is now accommodating year five and six in the school reorganisation.

Devastated by the news
The parents of those attending the nursery say they are devastated by the news and are working hard to gather support to try and save it.

The aim of the Facebook group is to raise awareness and put pressure on the council to find another location for the nursery.

Amie added that the nursery’s OFSTED report is one the best reports for a nursery on the Island, with an overall outstanding result and to see it close forever would be devastating for those who work there and those who use it.

To find out more about the Group and it’s aims visit their Facebook Group.

Image: emilydickinsonridesabmx under CC BY 2.0

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