Flooding on pallance road northwood - island roads

Flooding of Isle of Wight roads must be tackled says councillor

UPDATE An hour after publishing this report, the motion was withdrawn from next week’s agenda.

A motion calling for action to tackle the recent problems with flooding across the Isle of Wight is being tabled by Cllr Bob Seely (Con) at next week’s Full Council meeting.

It’s a subject that will resonate with many Islanders, not only those whose own properties that have been affected by flooding, but also those whose travel has been disrupted or vehicles damaged.

The motion put forward by Cllr Bob Seely reads,

Following flooding occasions over a number of years, but most recently on 7/8th January 2015, this Council:

(i) Is concerned that parts of the Island drainage capability may not be adequate to cope with the amount of rain water received during regular and exceptional weather.

(ii) Understands the inconvenience and frustration for residents when both regular and exceptional flooding takes place, leading to road closures and damage to property.

(iii) Will liaise with Island Roads and the Department of Transport to understand the likely levels of flooding in future years and the necessary solutions, especially in the several dozen roads on the Island most seriously affected by precipitation.

(iv) Will report back in a timely manner, to Full Council, with recommendations as to whether capability is adequate:

(1) In general.
(2) In roads most at risk of flooding, a list of which will be agreed with appropriate parties.

And if capability is not adequate for likely precipitation in future years, to make recommendations to bring that capability up to a required standard so as to avoid regular flooding of roads and homes as recently experienced.

And for this Council to support a modest programme of works to mitigate future flooding, thus future-proofing roads most affected by flooding.

Image: © Island Roads