Looking up in a forest and seeing sun come through the top of the trees

Forest School experience helps create bonds between Dads and kids that will last a lifetime

News shared by Karl, in his own words on behalf of Men Only. Ed

Men Only’s Saturday Super Dads provide Saturday morning sessions where fathers can encourage and get more involved in their children’s play and learning, meet other dads, and develop their confidence as a parent. 

Not just babysitters
We want to normalise the idea that dads are brilliant parents, that they can create strong bonds with their children, and they should not just be seen as babysitters; we aim to make Saturday mornings fun for dads and their children and encourage dads to engage in their children’s learning and build their parenting skills and resilience.

Time to destress in nature with other like-minded people
Dads don’t miss out on all the fun either. Being there allows them some time for them, time to destress in nature with other like-minded people.

At Men Only, we stress the importance of spending time outdoors, walking and talking, and research shows that spending just 20 minutes connecting with nature can help lower stress hormone levels. 

Create bonds that will last a lifetime
The Forest School experience is a fantastic opportunity for Dads to spend quality time with their children, learn new skills and create those bonds that will last lifetimes.

The benefits for their children are enormous and include the positive impact on confidence, social skills, communication, motivation and concentration, physical skills, knowledge and understanding of the environment, and course, fun! 

Session One – 23rd April 10am–12pm 
Hosted by Petra Saunders  from Wight Willow Forest School
The Wight Willow Forest School session is our first Saturday, and we are all very excited. Petra will start us off with some calming and grounding time around the fire circle; this will give us time to breathe and listen to the World around us to connect to the day. She will then give us an overview of what we will be doing.

There will be a host activity for exploration: mud kitchen, den making, sensory play, rope challenge, small world play and hammocks (some are weather dependent). 

There will also be some ‘making’ activities such as woodland pendants, mini-fire making, bows and arrows, whittling, mud painting, stick splitting (making firewood), printing etc.

In the last part of the session, we will light the fire bowl, and we can roast something exciting, such as marshmallows, popcorn, toast crumpets, and then we can relax and review our morning!

Who are the Forest School Team?
Petra Saunders
Petra Saunders has been teaching for the last 24 years and qualified as a Forest School teacher in 2016.  She currently works as a Forest School Practitioner with several primary schools on the Island across the whole age range. 

She loves to work with natural resources, encouraging children to develop their tool use skills through woodland crafts, reconnecting with nature and the environment around them and developing children’s play through challenging activities. 

She also likes to spend time on her allotment and weaving willow when she gets the chance.

Lizzie Boynton
Lizzie is a Forest School Leader and has run sessions for toddlers and parents in Ryde for about three years. Her mission is to inspire others to explore, learn and grow in nature, creating an everlasting love for the outdoors that will be passed on for years to come.

She loves to create space for children to explore nature, get messy, and be creative at her sessions. All of the above is as much about the parent’s enjoyment as the children’s. It’s a community where lasting friendships are made in nature and around the campfire; it’s simple and relaxed. There is no expectation of anyone, just come along and be in nature with like-minded people.

Children can enjoy bug hunting, playing in the mud kitchen, creating nature crafts, pond dipping, building a fire, etc.

Lizzie said,

“I am so grateful to be able to do what I love and to create a space for people to make memories with their little ones.”

Book or find out more
If you have any questions or require more information on how you can help, please get in touch with Karl Hart

Book your child’s place on the Forest School Session via the Website. Cost is £5 per child, Dads go free.

See the Men Only Website for more info.

Image: kazuend under CC BY 2.0