ems yoga studio with mats laid out ready for a class

Former chapel in Niton transforms into yoga studio with council approval (updated)

‘Change of use’ permission has now been granted by Isle of Wight council for a yoga studio to operate from a former Roman Catholic chapel on Rectory Road in Niton.

Emma McGillivray of Ems Yoga explained,

“Bringing life back to this village asset has been the talk of the local community for the last few months, and everyone seems very pleased with the improved street scene.”

From this evening (Monday), Emma will now be offering a variety of regular classes at the Chapel Studio. She added,

” I have always thrived to make yoga accessible to everyone.

“Yoga is not determined by age, body shape or ability, anyone can enjoy the benefits of yoga.”

All classes and information can be found on Ems Island Yoga website.

Article edit
2.40pm 3rd Jun 2024 – “Roman Catholic” added before chapel in first sentence