British Airways Concorde

Former Concorde engineer to unveil secrets of the supersonic jet

This Thursday, 16th May, Paul Ferguson, a former System Co-Ordinator Liaison Engineer involved in the development of Concorde, will reveal some behind-the-scenes stories about the iconic aircraft.

The talk, titled “How I Built Concorde – It wasn’t the white hot technical revolution it was cracked up to be!” will shed light on the lesser-known aspects of the supersonic jet’s creation.

Event details
The presentation will take place at Yelf’s Hotel on Union Street in Ryde, starting at 7:30 pm. Entry costs £4 per person, with proceeds going towards maintaining the Museum of Ryde.

The event promises to offer unique insights into the technical and operational challenges faced during the making of Concorde.

Everyone is welcome to attend and gain a deeper understanding of this fascinating slice of aviation history.