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Fort Victoria Country Park receives Green Flag

This in from the council, in their own words, Ed

The Green Flag scheme is operated by Keep Britain Tidy and to be awarded a flag, open spaces must meet several high standards.

This includes good and safe access, be clean and well maintained, have good access to public amenities such as drinking water and toilets and there be regular promotion of the park.

Undergone recent improvements
Fort Victoria Country Park, which is maintained by the Isle of Wight Council, has recently undergone improvements using money secured from the Heritage Lottery Fund.

Works include installing new woodland paths, creating new glades for wildlife and planting new hazel trees for squirrels.

The building itself has also undergone renovation including the brickworks being cleaned and re-pointed.

An important award for Fort Victoria
Councillor Luisa Hillard, Executive member for sustainability, environment and public realm, said:

“This is an important award for Fort Victoria and reflects the success and impact of the council and the West Wight Landscape Partnership in securing funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund.

“I hope that people will take the time to visit this country park and see the effects of the investment in improvements for people and wildlife and enjoy what has been achieved there.

“This award, alongside the recent news of the Island being top in the country for quality beaches again, further reinforces the Isle of Wight’s reputation as one of the best places in the UK to visit the seaside and green open spaces.”

Keep Britain Tidy has revealed over 1470 green flags have been awarded this year across the country.

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