Halloween pumpkins

Fun-packed free and low cost alternative day out this October Half Term on the Isle of Wight

Neil from the Isle of Wight Reptilarium – featured last month in relation to the rising energy costs – shares details of this event taking place during October half term, with special price entry if tickets bought in September. Ed

This Halloween the businesses at Fort Victoria have put together some free activities to keep kids entertained (22nd to 30th October).

We are acutely aware of the economic impact of the energy crisis, as businesses we have seen our own costs rise dramatically and we as parents only know too well the social pressures of keeping kids amused in half terms.

It’s going to be a long tough winter and that’s why we wanted to do something for the Island families that perhaps can’t afford to take the kids to the usual places this half term by offering a fun-packed free and low cost alternative day out.

Country Park trails
We have two fun “trails” in the country park, follow the trails looking out for letters as you go, once you have written down all the letters you need to un-jumble them to solve the anagram, once you have your answer head back to the Imaginarium to claim a prize.

There will be two trails, one that’s easy going for the smallest of kids and the other slightly longer for those that want a longer explore in the woods.

The clue hunt
Another free activity will be the clue hunt, solve the clues, write down the letters as you go, solve the anagram and then head over to the museum to claim your prize.

Prizes for both these activities have been kindly donated by the Imaginarium and the Museum.

Special entry price at Reptilarium
The Reptilarium will be having bugs and beasties encounters throughout the week, check the website for times, where you can get up close and earn some interesting facts about some of their creepy inhabitants such as the Death’s head Cockroach!

And as a limited special offer for Island residents they will be selling a special residents ticket on their Website where entry is reduced to £3 a ticket, these will only be available until the end of September, but valid for Halloween half term, so Island residents are strongly advised to book their tickets now to make a saving.

Free colouring activities at The Imaginarium
The Imaginarium will be offering free colouring activities to keep kids amused whilst parents can browse the shop, as well as other crafting opportunities and the Planetarium will be offering their program of star exploration immersive dome shows, booking is advised for the Planetarium.

Lots on at the Museum
Over at the museum as well as the usual kids favourites such as the pirates’ toy cabin, sinister souvenirs, and Wonko’s Sweet Shop there will be Potion Making for a very small fee.

Fossil forays
The Ranger will be leading some fossil forays along the beach to find crocodile teeth and other fossilised remains, check our Facebook page nearer the time for dates, times and at £2 a child, £5 per adult is a great low cost activity.

The businesses will be putting out their scary decor, so come make a
day of it, why not get the kids to come in fancy dress for extra fun.

Book your tickets in advance via the Fort Victoria Website.

Image: bekir donmez under CC BY 2.0