pre-school - child with crayons drawing

Round-up of Isle of Wight nursery Ofsted inspections

While schools were out in the summer, some little ones still headed to nursery and pre-school across the Island — and so did Ofsted inspectors.

In the latest round-up of recently released inspection outcomes, the education watchdog rated the performance of staff and how well the youngsters progressed.

Here’s how they fared …

Berry Hill Childcare, Sandown
Rated: Outstanding — up from Good
Inspectors said,

“Children thrive at this well-established, exciting pre-school. They feel safe and secure. Children confidently leave their parents and immediately engage in purposeful play.

“The inspirational environment focuses on the children. Inviting opportunities, both indoors and outdoors, engage children’s interest.”

Freshwater Early Years Centre
Rated: Good — down from Outstanding
Inspectors said,

“Children develop the skills they need for the future. They learn to embrace challenges when they use the large wooden climbing apparatus, and to judge their own abilities. … Children are provided with an ambitious curriculum, particularly when they play outdoors. They are motivated to explore and learn, making good progress from their starting points.

“However, staff do not consistently adapt activity planning when different age groups play together. This means that sometimes the younger children do not benefit from the activities as well as the older children.”

Niton Pre-School
Rated: Good — down from Outstanding
Inspectors said,

“Children eagerly enter this stimulating setting with smiles and joy. Their independence skills are consistently strong … Practitioners receive regular training and feedback from leaders about their practice. This leads to improvements in teaching.

“However, leaders do not use inductions consistently to support staff when they first start at the setting. This means that new staff may not gain valuable feedback on their professional development.”

Bright Sparks Preschool and Out of Schools Club, Newport 
Rated: Good
Inspectors said,

“Children are happy, safe and well cared. They develop strong, trusting friendships with each other and are kind and caring. … Overall, children develop good communication and language skills. They develop good listening and attention skills, to support them in maintaining their attention in activities. Staff model language clearly for children to hear, to broaden their vocabulary skills.

“However, for those children with speech and language delay or limited confidence to speak, staff are not fully successful in enabling them to express their wants needs or wishes as fully as possible.”

The Island Little Herons Childcare, Wootton  
Rated: Good — down from Outstanding
Inspectors said,

“Children are motivated and enthusiastic learners. They learn new things every day and take part in activities that have been planned specifically to match their interests and needs. Children form strong bonds with staff and peers. … The outdoor learning environment provides children with a multitude of exciting opportunities to explore. … Overall, staff interact well with children to extend their learning.

“However, at times, they do not fully consider opportunities to deepen children’s knowledge and understanding to an even higher level.”

Blackberry Lane Pre-School, Cowes
Rated: Good — down from Outstanding
Inspectors said,

“Children arrive happily and are greeted warmly by staff. They are eager to choose from a well-considered mix of adult-led and child-led activities. Children are taught new skills that they practise in their own play. … Children are motivated and eager to learn. They enjoy mark-making and create their own detailed drawings. Children feel a sense of pride and talk interestingly about their work.

“However, in some adult-led activities, such as when they make superhero masks, children’s individual creations all look similar because staff take a prescriptive approach to complete the task. This does not allow children the freedom to express themselves and feel that their individual efforts are valued.”

Gurnard Pre-School
Rated: Outstanding — up from Good
Inspectors said,

“Children’s social and emotional development are given the highest priority. The very well-established routines, combined with the excellent layout of the nursery, support children well.

“They also help to promote even the youngest children’s independence and self-esteem to the highest level. … Children flourish in an exceptionally well-resourced environment.”

Manager, Val Munt said,

“I am absolutely thrilled and over the moon with the result and so very proud of my team. All staff work incredibly hard to ensure the running of the pre-school is effective and that all children receive the best experiences to progress in their educational journey throughout the setting.

“This is a wonderful recognition to staff who worked tirelessly throughout the covid pandemic.”

The Playroom, Ventnor
Rated: maintained at Good
Inspectors said,

“Children are motivated learners, who make good gains in their learning in this inclusive and nurturing family-run provision. Staff offer a wonderfully imaginative and vibrant play environment that meets children’s individual needs well.

“Children show a keenness to take part in the wide range of exciting learning experiences on offer.”

Ventnor Community Early Years
Rated: Inadequate — down from Outstanding
Inspectors said,

“Children’s well-being is compromised at the setting. They spend long periods of time with no interaction from staff. For example, children stand alone for some time staring out of a window. Staff fail to acknowledge this.

“As a result, not all children make the progress they are capable of…. The manager knows children’s families well and understands each individual’s circumstances. She works closely with staff to ensure families are well supported.”

West Wight Nursery, Totland Bay
Rated: maintained at Outstanding
Inspectors said,

“Children thrive in the nursery and are enabled to achieve at the very highest levels. Children flourish in all areas of their development and develop the skills they need for lifelong learning.

“The nursery is brilliantly resourced and tailored for the natural curiosity children have, to support them in learning about the world around them.”

West Wight Nursery said,

“As a team we are thrilled all our hard work and care has been recognised by Ofsted who found the children’s behaviour exemplary and acknowledged that children thrive and make great progress.

“They identified staff know the children really well and differentiate for children’s needs artfully. Safeguarding is embedded and leadership is strong. The curriculum and setting vision is understood by all staff whose training and development is prioritised.”

This article is from the BBC’s LDRS (Local Democracy Reporter Service) scheme, which News OnTheWight is taking part in. Some alterations and additions may have been made by OnTheWight. Ed

Image: aaron burden under CC BY 2.0