Gavin Newman: Computer Repairs in Ventnor

Gavin Newman ... knight in shining black leatherYesterday we hit some problems at VentnorBlog Towers with the trusty laptop that is the source for most of our writing. It threw us out, leading to a lack of Ventnor Eye pictures going up (sorry folks).

Frankly it was pretty knackered (starting up but not showing any of the desktop or icons) and I didn’t think we’d be seeing it working again.

Then a knight in shining leather (jacket) turned up and worked his magic on the machine, restoring it to it’s former working glory.

The hero who worked this miracle? Gavin Newman.

You may have seen his adverts in The Chronicle and Ventnor Life magazine and we understand that he’s getting pretty busy from it

So big thanks to Gavin.

Best way to contact his is either GavinNewman(at) or on 853 632, and please mention VentnorBlog if you contact him.