Chelsea Bloomfield and Midi Dawson

GCSE results: Ryde Academy 2020 results

Students at Ryde Academy are today celebrating their long-awaited GCSE results, having faced months of online schooling, a period that they never could have imagined would see their last year at school curtailed and their exams cancelled. 

But their hard work in the run up to lockdown hasn’t been for nothing. Following the Government’s announcement on Monday 17th August, the grades that teachers submitted for each student are now being awarded.

Grades that reflect the effort
Today they have received grades that reflect the effort they put in over the course of their time in education, as judged by the Academy. These will formally be confirmed by exam boards next week. 

In a very small number of cases where the calculated grade is higher than the grades submitted by teachers, the calculated grade will stand.

Fair grading
Staff at Ryde Academy have worked extremely hard to make sure that the grading for every student is fair and allows these students to go onto further education, employment or training – whatever is the best option for them.

Alfie Curtin

Overall improvement in standards
Overall, the Academy has seen an improvement in standards in their English and mathematics combined GCSE results of 68% at Grade 9-4. 

In History and Computer Science students did particularly well, with 61% and 77% respectively achieving Grade 4 and above. 

Ballard: Results reflect the hard work put in
Joy Ballard, Principal of Ryde Academy said:

“I am so proud of the students and the incredible effort they have put in during their time here.

“Even though our students were not able to take their final exams, their results today show the hard work they have put in during their time at school and are a fair reflection of the commitment they show every day.

“I wish them all the success they deserve with their future plans and hope they continue to dream big and be remarkable.”

News shared by Nat on behalf of Ryde Academy. Ed