Gentleman’s Club raises money for Movember

Well done to Jaymie Rigby for organising the Movember event that took place recently. He tells us more about how it came about and the event. Ed

It all started after a week of growing my ‘Mo’. I wanted me and my friends to go out and celebrate the fine craftmanship of our ‘Moes’.

After looking around a little bit, I was sad to see that no venue was holding such an event. So I got straight in contact with the Wight Rock Bar, as they always hold great charity events and it turned out they were more then happy to hold this event.

After adding the event on Facebook, I listened to ideas from friends and family about what to include. To my surprise, getting in contact with local companies, friends and family to appeal for raffle donations turned out really well.

Island bands kept the audience entertained
The event itself went really well. There was great music being playing all night from local Island bands, Floella Grace, Beanius and Wild Oats who all put on a great performance and kept the crowed entertained.

Also the raffle was a big success after some great prizes was donated by Island companies such as Wight Trash, Rapanui, the artist Tony Trowbride, Hair salons Ikonz in Ryde, Monroe Hair in Shanklin, Head High in Bembridge and all the friends and family who also donated many items.

Quiz night bumped up the donations
On the following Wednesday evening, the Wight Rock Bar put on a Movember themed quiz night to help raise even more money.

A grand total of £107 was raised from the two events which will go towards vital funds for men’s health, specifically prostate cancer and testicular cancer.

Not only did the event raise money, it also raised awareness for Movember which in itself was a great achievement and so hopefully next year it will be even bigger and better.

Thanks go out to …
A big thank you to all that took part and especially to the owners at Wight Rock for providing such a great venue and to The Isle of Wight County Press and for covering this event.

Look forward to seeing you all again next year.

If you missed out and would like to donate, you can still do so through the Movember website

Jaymie Rigby