smiling doctor

GP surgeries receive clean bill of health from CQC

Last week, thge Care Quality Commission released inspection reports for a number of GP surgeries across the country.

Those included two for the Isle of Wight, Argyll House Surgery in Ryde and Carisbrooke Health Centre,

Both surgeries were rated as ‘Good’ by the inspectors.

Patients have a right to high quality care
Professor Steve Field, Chief Inspector of General Practice, said:

“After more than 2,000 inspections we now have the evidence that the vast majority of England’s GP practices are providing a service which is safe, effective, caring, responsive and well led. We have also found so many practices going far beyond the call of duty to care for patients to provide an outstanding service to their patients.

“Patients have a right to expect high quality care from every GP practice. Where improvement is required we expect the practice to take the necessary steps to address the issues and we will re-inspect at a later date to check that those improvements have been made.

The reports
Full details of both inspections can be found in the reports below. Click on the full screen icon to see larger version.

Image: PROIlmicrofono Oggiono under CC BY 2.0