yelfs hotel

Island Line consultation not a ‘drop-in’ – Arrive by noon

The Keep Island Line in Franchise group have been in touch with an update about Tuesday’s Department for Transport consultation meeting on the future of Island Line trains.

It was previously understood the two hour slot at Yelf’s Hotel between midday-2pm on Tuesday was an informal drop-in session.

However, information now leads to the format being presentation and Q&A, with the presentation starting at noon sharp.

Arrive for a midday start
David Pugh told OnTheWight,

“We have received feedback from attendees at the recent consultation event in Portsmouth, to say that it is not a ‘drop-in’ style event, as had previously been indicated.

“At the Portsmouth event, there was a 40 minute presentation, starting at 12noon, followed by questions.

“If this format is to be repeated at the Isle of Wight event on Tuesday, we recommend that all attendees get there for a 12noon prompt start, rather than arriving later.”

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