Great Lineup for Acoustic Originals Tonight

If you’ve spent the day basking in the sun or stuck in the office, then how better to spend your evening than being entertained at Quay Arts in Newport.

Great Lineup for Acoustic Originals TonightTonight’s lineup for Acoustic Originals is a corker, where we can expect inspiring performances by The Scores, as well as Spike Oatley, from the Wild Oats.

There’ll be original songs by three piece Island band, Steam Machine and Becky Rice, a young up and coming songwriter, will be sharing the stage with Dave Ballard who’ll be performing music with a unique take on 60s folk music.

Songwriter Dafydd Edwards, is a Brummie immigrant who mixes observational and anecdotal lyrics with frantic punk-folk rhythms, written under the “influence of too much cider”, he’ll be there too and Martin Perry is back with his inimitable and entertaining style.

The evening is hosted by Quay Arts Director Mick Smith. His last official AO before he heads off to pastures new.

Doors open at 7pm, music starts around 8pm. Free entrance.