Gum Fu: Enter The Clinic: Interview with Simon Dear (Podcast)

Gum Fu: Enter The Clinic:Following the Island premiere of GumFu: Enter the Clinic last month, we caught up with Simon Dear, who has the fantastic job title of Commissioner for Positive Activities for IOW Council.

Simon was extremely enthusiastic about the project which involved many young people taking part in getting the message about STDs out to the community.

He went on to say that having the involvement of young people is a fantastic opportunity and the result, a great example of what can be achieved when you include them in the process.

Simon believes that the Island ought to be promoting this project across the UK, showcasing what the IOW has achieved by these young people being involved in how services are planned and delivered.

He finishes by pointing out that the number of skills that have been experienced and gained outside of the classroom, in music and film production, editing, acting etc which in turn gives the young people a real insight into creative and media arts, possibly having an impact on future career decisions.

This has been a great project, which deserves the credit. There’ll be more podcasts from the event following in the next couple of weeks.

To listen to the podcast, click on the play button below.