Chris Whitehouse John Hobart and Andrew Turner

Gunville road controlled crossing gets go-ahead

Thanks to Cllr Chris Whitehouse for this update on the campaign to install a new crossing on Gunville Road. Ed

A long-running campaign for the installation of a controlled crossing in a busy Newport road made major progress this week with an announcement by Isle of Wight Council officers that construction could go ahead in the current financial year.

Cllr John Hobart (Conservative, Carisbrooke & Gunville) and Cllr Chris Whitehouse (Conservative, Newport West) had the backing of Island MP, Andrew Turner, for a campaign for a crossing in Gunville Road, Newport, to increase road safety for pedestrians accessing the busy Spar shop.

Pictured here, the three made strong representations to the Isle of Wight Council that the road was a “death trap” for children and elderly people and that a crossing “simply could not wait for another year”.

Cllr Gilbey approves project
This week (13th July) officers responded to the campaign announcing that Cllr Gilbey, who leads on these issues for the new Administration, had agreed that the project could be brought forward from next financial year to the current one.

In a note to the Councillors, the Council’s Director of Economy and the Environment, Stuart Love, says:

“As a way forward, we have advertised for a school crossing patrol officer and I understand that the response has been good and an appointment should be made imminently. In addition we have sought a quote for the work to be undertaken to build a crossing at this location.

“The cost is approximately £20k and was put in the capital programme for next financial year. However, in discussion with Councillor Gilbey we have requested that this is brought forward into the current year’s capital programme.”

“Excellent news”
Cllr Hobart, in whose Carisbrooke and Gunville ward the Spar is located says:

“This is excellent news. I have been pressing for some time for a proper crossing to protect children and elderly people from the heavy and fast traffic in Gunville Road. I am grateful to Cllr Gilbey for responding so positively to our representations. Once open, the crossing will save lives.”

But Andrew Turner MP said:

“I want to thank Cllr. Gilbey for making this very sensible decision. However, lives remain in jeopardy until the new crossing is installed so let’s hope it will happen without undue delay. I was delighted to support Cllrs Hobart and Whitehouse in their campaign and pleased to see it deliver a successful result.”

Cllr Whitehouse endorsed the views saying:

“Nearly 4,000 children daily attend the schools in and around Wellington Road in my Newport West Ward. They are drawn to the Spar for snacks like moths to a flame. The road is currently a death trap, and it is great that the Council is prepared to listen.”