Hampshire Constabulary Remains UK’s Top Police Force For Lesbian, Gay And Bisexual People

This in from the Police, in their own words. Ed

Brighton PrideHampshire Constabulary (which includes IW) has maintained its place as the UK’s top police force for lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) people.

We came 14th in this year’s Stonewall Workplace Equality Index which ranks the country’s employees on their commitment to their LGB staff and communities.

Committed to treating fairly, equally and with respect
Chief Constable Alex Marshall said: “My organisation is as committed now as it ever has been to providing an excellent service and ensuring everyone is treated fairly, equally and with respect.

“I applaud the achievements of the Stonewall Workplace Equality Index and all the organisations that enter into it. The fact the competition has become much tougher is testament to the progress the country as a whole is making in improving the quality of life for lesbian, gay and bisexual people both in the workplace and in our communities.”

Best for last six years
Inspector Julie Fry chairs Hampshire Constabulary’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Resource Group. “I’m extremely proud of the fact that we’ve maintained our sustainability as the best police service in the UK for the past six years and in the top ten over the last four years,” she said.

“Our commitment to our LGB&T staff and communities across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight remains undiminished and our position this year is a reflection of the increased number of larger organisations joining the index.

“Our focus this year has been on education and working with partner agencies to combat bullying particularly among young people in schools. We received some excellent feedback from our involvement at Hampshire County Council’s Anti-Bullying Conference in Winchester last year and our Lesbian and Gay Liaison Officers continue to work with schools, talking to students about the hurt words such as ‘gay’ can cause to people who may be struggling with their sexual orientation or gender identity.

“We’ve also maintained a strong presence at LGB&T events across the south coast including Brighton, Reading and Bournemouth Prides. These are great opportunities for us to engage with our communities particularly to demonstrate what we can do to support victims of homophobic and transphobic abuse.”