Hampshire Police Authority To Invest In Mobile Technology For Officers

If you follow what the police force are up to, this news in from the Police Authority should be of interest to you. Ed

Hampshire Police Authority To Invest In Mobile Technology For OfficersHampshire Police Authority has approved the purchase of 159 mobile data terminals (MDTs), which will be fitted into vehicles used by the force’s targeted patrol teams.

In trials, the time spent outside of the station by officers equipped with MDTs has increased visibility to the public.

It is suggested that when MDTs are deployed across the force’s targeted patrol teams, this will result in benefits released by additional patrol availability worth up to £2.1million per annum.

MDTs allow Hampshire Constabulary officers to access applications that run on officers’ desktop computers away from the station, so the systems and functionality normally available to Hampshire Constabulary officers via a station-based terminal can be accessed while away from the station.

To fund the purchase and the costs of training up to 1,000 officers in the use of MDTs, the police authority will borrow approximately £1.5million, to be paid back over a five-year period.

Many advantages
The use of these mobile devices offers advantages in four key areas:

· Enabling officers to be more visible by reducing unnecessary journeys to police stations to undertake work processes such as crime recording or emailing. This supports the force’s aim to maintain a visible presence in every neighbourhood.

· By allowing officers to complete work processes “in the field”, this reduces bureaucracy and helps to make the most of the constabulary’s resources.

· By giving officers information at the point of need, in their neighbourhoods, they are better equipped to protect communities from crime and harm.

· The ability to complete electronic processes such as statements and reports when with victims, witnesses and members of the public, without the need for them to attend a station will lead to improvements in data quality and will help to deliver an excellent service.

Cllr Adrian Collett, Vice-Chair of Hampshire Police Authority said “We are very pleased to enable officers to be more visible to our local communities by undertaking work out in the field that would previously have had to be carried out at a station.”