Harbour House from Google

Harbour House owner takes IWC to court over licensing decision

A Ryde nightspot is putting forward its latest bid to stay open until the small hours today (Thursday) as it takes the Isle of Wight council to court.

The case of Harbour House will be heard by Isle of Wight Magistrates, as it tries to overturn a decision to deny it an extension to its premises’ licence.

Open until 1.30am seven days a week
The popular bar and restaurant was looking to stay open, sell alcohol and play music until 1.30am, seven days a week and submitted the application to the council in March this year.

However, after hearing from concerned neighbours and licensing officers, the licensing committee rejected the extension.

Harding: Application misrepresented
In May, Karl Harding, from Harbour House, told magistrates at the first hearing that the application was misrepresented to the licensing committee.

He said the evidence heard at the council’s committee was for a separate event run on a temporary event notice, not the current trading licence.

Threat of further enforcement action
The event in question was in July last year, for which the venue received a formal written notice, with the threat of further enforcement action, after causing ‘significant disturbance’ to residents.

The council’s committee heard how the event had a bass level, recorded at a nearby property at 1am, higher than that recorded at the closest residential property to the Isle of Wight Festival.

Will “help the business grow and improve”
The extension to licence would help the business grow and improve facilities for customers, said Mr Harding.

However, the committee felt it had been persuaded by the evidence that no conditions could be applied to mitigate the harm caused.

IWC oppose the appeal
Speaking at the first hearing, Edward Elton on behalf of the council, said the authority opposed the appeal.

Tomorrow, evidence will be heard from both Harbour House and the Isle of Wight Council and magistrates will determine whether to approve the licence extension or not.

This article is from the BBC’s LDRS (Local Democracy Reporter Service) scheme, which News OnTheWight is taking part in. Some alterations and additions may have been made by OnTheWight. Ed