Harvest: Bonchurch Made Short Film

A delightful locally made short with an intriguing and unexpected finale.

Harvest: Bonchurch Made Short FilmIt concerns a man with an illness who’s given up on life. Despite his wife’s valiant efforts the curtains seem to be closing on her husband’s will to live.

Or are they?

The screenplay is by Ventnor writer Jim Willis (Jim was runner up in the recent Screen South Isle of Wight film pitch award).

An atmospheric sound track and professional editing complement the engaging narrative.

The film provides an original introduction to the evening’s viewing. Followed by Stray Dogs (details to follow)

Venue: Ventnor Winter Gardens
Curtains up: at 7.30pm
Tickets: £4.50 (£3.50 conc) or buy a season pass for all seven films for £30 (£20)