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Hate Crime is top issue for young people in PCC’s ‘Big Conversation’

Over 730 young people have responded to the Youth Commission’s Big Conversation this year providing their views on the topics of Hate Crime, Serious Violence and Exploitation.

In the latest quarter’s results (April – June) Hate Crime was selected most often as the top concern for young people in the policing area.

Most popular strategy to tackle hate crime
In addition to being asked to select their top concern the young people were asked how they thought the issue could be solved.

Education was seen as the most popular strategy to tackle hate crime.

Multiple answers wanted an increase in education around LGBTQ+ relationships and sex at a young age and diversity and inclusion training in the workplace.

Hate Crime Awareness Week
As part of its work around Hate Crime Awareness Week the Youth Commission has been busy educating its own members with a session on Hate Crime with the Crown Prosecution Service and a talk from Lou Taylor from Black History Month South.

The Youth Commission has also been educating others by delivering a workshop on Hate Crime to the YMCA in Basingstoke and Princes Trust groups in Basingstoke and Southampton.

Arnold: Strong support network needed
In her report on the Big Conversation results Youth Commission Mentor Sarah Arnold said:

“Many respondents spoke of personal experiences with hate crime. Racism was again the most mentioned form of hate crime, with multiple people highlighting the spike in violent hate crimes and verbal discrimination against Asian people amid the Covid-19 pandemic and ensuing nationwide lockdown.

“Along with better education the importance of a strong support network and reporting was mentioned in more response this quarter.”

Called names
Big Conversation respondent, Age 16, from Fareham said,

“I’ve been called many names at my school because of where I was born and my appearance, and I don’t want to see others go through what I have.”

Treated the way that you would want to be treated
Big Conversation respondent, Age 15, from Southampton added,

“All people should be treated the same in life no matter their race, gender, where they’re from or where they are going to go. Everyone is different.

“No two people are the same, however despite that, they should all be treated kindly and the way that you would want to be treated; not with disrespect or injustice.

Speak up
Big Conversation Respondent, Age 16, East Hants

“Encourage people to speak up and know it is ok to tell anyone and they won’t get hurt for it”

Get involved
To take part in this quarters Big Conversation please visit the Website.

The Youth Commission is currently looking for new members, if you or someone you know is aged 14-25 and looking for a volunteering opportunity that will make a real difference visit the Website by 30th October.

News shared by the office of the Police and Crime Commissioner. Ed

Image: denisdervisevic under CC BY 2.0

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15, October 2020 6:46 pm

Thank god they grow up before they can Vote. Sure labour would love to bring voting age down to twelve.

Mark L Francis
Reply to  temperance
16, October 2020 11:16 am

polls indicate that Labour have a majority among 18 -49 years old & the Tories 50 – Death. A better strategy would be to test 60+ voters (which would include me) or Tory voters (which would not) to see if they can I. know their own name ii. Count backwards from 100 in 7s and iii. Name the present Prime Minster, dear. (Points deducted for thinking it… Read more »

Mark L Francis
Reply to  Mark L Francis
16, October 2020 11:37 am

Hold on there Temperance. Are you suggesting that upon reaching maturity these teeniwonks will change their minds on their – admittedly rather anodyne – condemnations of racism, homophobia and other support for “education” and vote Tory instead, presumably, thereby supporting these myriad social ills until rescued by the onset of Alzheimer’s.

Reply to  temperance
16, October 2020 4:01 pm

Another quality post from ‘temperance’, the resident right-wing edgelord.

Mark L Francis
16, October 2020 11:21 am

All the respondents appear to be from Hampshire.
I am sure many Caulkhead teeniwonks will be looking forward to a workshop in Basingstoke.