Man handcuffed behind his back

Havant man charged with stalking and weapons offences on the Isle of Wight

A man has been charged with stalking and weapons offences following an arrest on the Isle of Wight on Monday evening (6th February).

The 40-year-old was arrested at the East Cowes ferry terminal following a call to police at 9.54pm.

The charges
Following enquiries, he was charged with the following offences:

  • Stalking, relating to incidents alleged to have occurred between 7th August 2022 and 6th February 2023.
  • Making threats to kill
  • Possession of a knife in a public place
  • Possession of a firearm, namely a BB gun, with intent to cause fear of violence
  • Resisting arrest

Remanded in custody
The Havant man, was remanded in custody to appear at Portsmouth Magistrates’ Court yesterday afternoon (8th February).

At the hearing, he was remanded in custody to appear at Isle of Wight Crown Court on 7th March.

News shared by Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary, in their own words. Ed