Have A Blast A Dinosaur Isle

This just in from the council. Ed

Have A Blast A Dinosaur IsleDinosaur Isle in Sandown is celebrating weird and wonderful ancient finds from the Isle of Wight at a free exhibition entitled Blast from the Past.

A range of interesting items including dinosaur fossils, prehistoric finds, Roman coins, ammonites and flint axes will go on display between 10am and 4pm on Saturday 16th October.

Blast from the Past is designed to showcase the impressive selection of fossils recovered from the Island’s eroding coastline whilst teaching people how to search for them responsibly so that important sites can be preserved for future generations.

Recent finds on display
Dinosaur fossils, insects in amber, crabs, lobsters and other shellfish will be displayed by their finders, helping to build a picture of a long vanished world. Staff at Dinosaur Isle will also be showing some recent finds that have yet to be displayed in the museum.

Archaeologists, both amateur and professional, have also made some exciting discoveries on the Isle of Wight over recent years. Bronze Age, Roman and Mediaeval tools will be exhibited, as well as jewellery and other objects discovered through metal detecting.

People are also invited to bring along their own interesting finds for identification by palaeontologists and archaeologists who will be at the museum throughout the day.

As well as Island treasures, specialists and collectors from the Jurassic Coast, Hampshire Museum Service, Portsmouth University and the Natural History Museum in London will be bringing along some of their collection to put the palaeontology of the Island in a wider context.

Fossil hunt
There is also a chance to discover your own fossils on the day. An experienced palaeontologist from Dinosaur Isle will be leading two fossil walks (weather permitting), one from Shanklin beach and the other from Yaverland beach. Normal charges will apply for the walks and due to limited space they will need to be pre-booked, please contact the museum for further details.

Throughout the day there will also be a range activities for children including face painting, model making and fossil sorting.

Cllr George Brown, Isle of Wight Council Cabinet Member for the Economy, Tourism, Leisure, Planning and Property, said: “This is great opportunity to find out more about the Island’s rich history and prehistoric past.

Entry to the museum will be free, however normal parking charges will apply.

For further information contact Dinosaur Isle, Culver Parade, Sandown on 01983 404344 or visit www.dinosaurisle.com.