Have Your Say on Improving GP Services

Have Your Say on Improving GP ServicesIf you are dissatisfied with the services offered by your GP and would like a say in improving them, a national survey about to take place should be of interest to you.

The survey, launched yesterday aims to canvas views of patients across the UK on how family and doctor services can be improved.

If you’re cynical that your words won’t make a difference, take a look at last year’s survey.

Last year, which was the second year the national survey has taken place, many patients expressed a desire for quick access to doctor appointments at more convenient times. As a direct result of the survey, more than half of GP practices now offer extended opening hours making it easier for patients to get appointments at times that suit them.

Health Minister Ben Bradshaw said:

“The national GP patient survey last year gave five million people a chance to have their say on improving access to their GP. The NHS listened and responded, and now over half of GP practices are making it easier for their patients to book appointments later in the evening, earlier in the morning or at the weekend.

“This new survey with wider questions, will ensure patients can have their say about the issues that matter most to them. Where patients identify areas for improvement, the local NHS will need to respond.

“I hope everyone who receives a questionnaire will take the time to fill it in and help to drive improvements in healthcare by giving us an accurate picture of patients’ experiences of local GP services.”

The survey questionnaires and a covering letter will be sent to 5.7m people registered with GP practices this week, so if you’re one of the lucky ones, make sure you have your say.

Image: Blush Response