Highways PFI Roadshow heads to Ventnor tonight

Tonight (Monday) sees the Highways PFI Roadshow roll in to Ventnor. The Botanic Garden to be precise, where it’ll be from 6pm.

It’s your chance to meet the contractors, Vinci Roadstone Meridiam, and find out more about their plans for the South of the Isle of Wight, as part of a 25 year highways PFI contract.

District 5
Ventnor and surrounding villages are in the area designated as District 5.

Tonight residents will hear what is planned for the ‘district’ over the coming years.

Difficult to find event details
We’re sure the PFI team are keen to speak to residents, but finding details about when and where the meeting is being held was certainly a challenge.

Having searched the council’s iwight Website and Island Roads Website, both bought up blanks.

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