Hunnyhill Earns High Tech Accolade

After hearing about job losses and cuts to services, we could all do with some good news.

Hunnyhill Earns High Tech AccoladeHunnyhill Primary School has always been known for its excellent ICT (Information and Communications Technology) provision to enhance its pupils learning. But now following extensive external assessment Hunnyhill Primary School has been awarded the prestigious ICT Mark.

The award recognises the school’s success in developing the strategic use of ICT in both administration and across the curriculum. Parents can be assured that their children are attending a school at the forefront of modern technology.

Investment in technology
Leader of New and Emerging Technology, Mr Peter Gallop commented “Our pupils deserve and expect access to technology, to enhance their learning and fuel their creativity.

“Hunnyhill Primary School has invested heavily in providing a 21st century learning environment for our children; where ICT is embedded throughout every subject in the curriculum and the learning extends beyond the school gates.”

Headteacher Mrs Lynda Evans, said “At Hunnyhill we believe in giving all of our children the very best opportunities for their learning. The skills they are acquiring in ICT will be an integral part of their lifelong learning.”

What the pupils say
We asked our pupils on what ICT activities they enjoyed most at Hunnyhill Primary School.

“I like ICT because we can find fascinating fact’s about the Tudors” – Sasha (Year 4)

“I like the laptops – we all like the laptops!” – Thomas and Ben (Year 1)

“I like Mathletics because I can do it home.” – Jaysn (Year 1)

“I like to use Word to type things at school and at home.” – Emily (Year 1)

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