Iain McKie by the beach

Iain McKie’s cross-continent charity cycle faces setback with stolen passport and wallet

Totland resident, Iain McKie, who set himself the challenge of cycling from Trafalgar Square in London to the Lighthouse at Cape Trafalgar in Southern Spain, has come up against an unexpected obstacle.

Having made it to Mimizin on the south western coastline of France, after eight days and 1200 kms of cycling, Iain reports that he’s had his wallet and passport stolen and will need to return home temporarily.

Iain explains,

“Unfortunately, I have to put a pause on the challenge as some little rascal nicked my passport in Nantes. This has meant HMG issuing me an emergency one from Bordeaux. Reporting it stolen and waiting for the reissue has taken a chunk out of my time (I return by bike obviously to Bordeaux to pick it up tomorrow lunchtime).

“In total I will have lost almost three days sorting it out and traveling to and from the consulate. The result is that I am pausing the trip and getting back home Saturday, getting new papers sorted and cards reissued and will return asap to complete the Spanish leg of about another 1100 kms.”

Iain’s route has seen him tackling a variety of extreme conditions. From mountainous terrain to the scorching heat and torrential rain, this challenge is pushing him to his physical and mental limits.

£3,000 raised so far
So far Iain has raised around £3,000 to be shared between:

  • Samaritans
  • MS Society
  • Stroke Association
  • Mountbatten Hospice
  • Parkinsons UK
  • Action Bladder Cancer UK
  • Bowel Cancer UK

If you would like to stay up-to-date with Iain’s progress, you can follow him on Twitter, or visit his website to donate to your chosen charity.