ian gregory holding bike above his head

Ian’s 2,000 mile cycle challenge down under

Isle of Wight cyclist, Ian Gregory, who intends to cycle over 10,000 miles in 2018 to raise money for several charities, has left the Island and is well on his way to Australia for the first 2018 fundraising cycle tour.

Despite having a Fibromyalgia (a chronic pain disorder), eight damaged discs in his spine, Arthritis and Tempro-mandibular dysfunction disorder Ian will be attempting to cycle around 2,000 miles in Australia this month.

Ian tweeted this morning that he’s already in a great deal of pain, but will be persisting with the challenge.

Several charities to benefit
As well as continuing to raise money for Prostate Cancer UK (see his many previous fundraising challenges), Ian will be fundraising for Isle of Wight charities; Challenge & Adventure; Layla’s Trust; Isle of Wight Pride and the Isle of Wight Zoo​.

If you could like to support Ian’s mammoth, against the odds challenge, you can make a donation via his Go Fund Me Page.

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